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A Gentleman’s Guide to Wearing Pink

With Valentine’s Day approaching, I can’t help but think of the color pink. I know the color seems to be a touchy subject for some guys, but I want to give you guys some styling and life advice, so here’s A Gentleman’s Guide to Wearing Pink (or sorry– should I say “Salmon”). 


This reasoning goes far back in time. This CNN Style article explains the history of pink in detail. Apparently even before World War I, people in The United States and Europe used pink to signify girls and used blue to signify boys.


When you were a baby and too young to make your own decisions, your parents probably chose items for you based on your gender. You probably received blue Converse, a blue Power Ranger, and blue birthday decorations. Your sister probably received pink Mary Janes, a Malibu Barbie wearing a pink bikini, and pink sparkly streamers.


But as a fully grown man, you have the power to make your own decisions and dress as you want! And now that it’s 2020, those gender-signifying rules of the past are not so hard and fast anymore. So this Gentleman’s Guide to Wearing Pink will give you a refresher on how to pull off pink!



If you’re the guy who really gravitates towards blues, greys, and black, then this is the best way to dip your toe into the water. Even the guys who still have their pink virginities can surely try out pink accessories without fear. Having pink socks subtly peek out from behind your navy slacks is a clever way to wear pink. Rocking a pink lapel pin is also a good way to add a small dose of fun to your outfit.

A Gentleman's Guide to Wearing Pink

A Gentleman's Guide to Wearing Pink


The next step from above is trying out a pink tie. You can pair the pink tie with a business dress suit (think navy, charcoal, medium grey, or silver grey), a spring/summer classic suit, a navy blazer, or just a shirt (think white, medium blue, dark blue).

A good rule of thumb when it comes to the shade of pink is the darker your skin tone, the lighter the pink fabric should be. The lighter your skin tone, the darker the pink fabric should be.

A Gentleman's Guide to Wearing Pink


If you’ve mastered the pink tie level without any qualms, then you graduate to the pink shirt level. A long-sleeve pink dress shirt is another way to incorporate pink into your wardrobe in a tried and true way. You can pair the shirt under a blazer or suit or on it’s own.

A Gentleman's Guide to Wearing Pink


By all means, if you’re feeling empowered in your pink dress shirt, you should level up with a full blown pink suit. It’s a statement sure to make you the center of attention.

A Gentleman's Guide to Wearing Pink


Hopefully this Gentleman’s Guide to Wearing Pink leaves you in a pinker and more enlightened world. Make sure you try out these tips on your Valentine’s Day outing.


Book an appointment with us at Henry A. DavidsenIn addition to being the best tailors in Philadelphia, we are also Image Consultants, which means our team can give you personalized advice on how to incorporate pink into your wardrobe in a way that fits your skin tone and your level of comfort with pink.


Here, one of our clients, Francis, is rocking a pink dress shirt and a pink lapel pin!

A Gentleman's Guide to Wearing Pink

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