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On Being Learned

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin

As we wrap up the series on our core values, we get to the “L” of being REAL: being learned (pronounced “learn-ED”).

The Value of Knowledge

cross-section of human brainWe’ve all heard the old adage “knowledge is power.” We couldn’t agree more – if there’s one thing that will take you far in life, it’s being knowledgeable about as many things as you can. A depth and breadth of interests is also valuable in terms of simply enriching your life. Things get more enjoyable when you know what’s going on behind the scenes, under the hood, and so on.

The beauty is that knowledge doesn’t necessarily have to come from a formal education. Don’t get us wrong, such an education is extremely valuable and shouldn’t be discounted. With that said, we can learn a lot from books and mentors too. The thirst for knowledge is just as important, if not more important, than knowledge itself.

Being Learned As A Core Value

Henry Davidsen Image ConsultantAt Henry A. Davidsen, we constantly strive to learn more and more about the things we do. This could be tailoring techniques, improvements on business processes, new theories on image, or anything else. Our feeling is simple and based off of the famous Maya Angelou quote “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” It is always our aim to learn more so that we can serve our clients better.

A growth mindset positions a person for success, and well-informed minds make smarter decisions. This is industry- and lifestyle-agnostic.

Knowledge Transferring

scrap fitting for custom men's double breasted jacketOne arena in which we pride ourselves and our unique value-add is the transfer of knowledge. There’s a lot that goes into the creation of a made-to-measure or custom garment, much more than the color and composition of the cloth, which most traditional salespeople use as an arbiter of quality. It is our policy – literally – to transfer our knowledge of the process to each client the first time we work with him. This doesn’t just ensure a level playing field and transparency – it enhances a client’s appreciation of what he’s commissioning.

Knowledge – acquiring it and transferring it – is core to what we do here at Henry A. Davidsen, Master Tailors & Image Consultants.


Are you curious to experience our process for yourself? We’d love to chat. Call us at 215-310-0219 or email info@henrydavidsen.com to start a conversation. Until then, enjoy these other recent articles we’ve written:

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